This is the online presence documentation for the turn-key system by UJ Software. It describes how to get into the various business accounts as well as how to change some of the contents without needing any developer skills.



Unless otherwise arranged, iFastnet is your web hoster. They house your domain name, WordPress installation, and domain email addresses to name a few. To login to your account, go to iFastnet Login and use the login credentials from the separate spreadsheet.

Once you are logged in, you can manage the various areas of your hosting account like account details, services, domains, support tickets, and invoices.


Your hosting plan is managed via the de facto standard cPanel management platform. In order to get into cPanel, you click on the services button on the home screen. On the next screen, you click on the service name which is usually "Super Premium (Monthly)". Finally, click on "Login into cPanel" under "Actions" on the left-hand side. This opens a new tab for cPanel.

There is usually no need for you to go there regularly as most menu entries require some technical knowhow. Here are the most important cPanel entries in the order they appear on the menu:

cPanel Email Accounts

We created the email address for you. Here you can add more real email addresses as you see fit.

cPanel Email Forwarders

We created a forwarder from to one or more of your existing email addresses. Here you can add or modify more forwarders.

cPanel Email Deliverability

This menu entry checks if everything is configured correctly to ensure your emails are deliverable.

cPanel File Manager

The file manager for your hosting account.

cPanel phpMyAdmin

The graphical MySQL database administrator.

cPanel Domains

The manager for your associated domain names.

cPanel Let's Encrypt SSL

The Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificate manager.

Add Google Master Account to your device(s)

  • Click on your symbol in the upper right corner to open the dialog (1)
  • Select "Add another account" (2)
  • Enter Google account email address (see separate password sheet)
  • Enter Password (see separate password sheet)
  • Depending on the browser, there could be additional prompts....

Note: Until the account has been updated with your phone number at the end of the project, all security verifications will come through us.

Take ownership of the Google Master Account

Change Recovery Phone Number

  1. Open your Google Account.
  2. Switch to the Master Google Account.
  3. Under "Personal info," select Contact info and then Phone.
  4. Change your phone number: Next to your number, select Edit Editand then Update number.
  5. In the box that appears, follow the instructions.

Which number to use

Use a mobile phone that:

  • Gets text messages
  • Belongs only to you
  • You use regularly and keep with you

Change Recovery Email Address

  1. Go to your Google Account.
  2. On the left navigation panel, click Personal info.
  3. On the Contact info section, click Email.
  4. Change (or delete) your recovery email: Next to your email, select Edit Edit.
  5. Follow the steps on the screen.

Which email to use

Choose an email address that:

  • You use regularly
  • Is different from the one you use to sign in to your Google Account

(See the full description directly at Google Support.)

Log in to Business Accounts

If you haven't done so already, follow the instructions on how to add the Google Master Account to your device.

Google My Business

  • Go to Google My Business
  • If you don't see the business listed, switch the account by clicking on the round symbol in the upper right corner. Then select the Google Master Account.

Microsoft Bing Places


  • Go to Yelp
  • Continue with Google and pick the Google Master Account
  • Note: Yelp is the only service that doesn't accept a logo for the avatar image. You will not be able to perform actions like replying to reviews unless you have uploaded an avatar image with a discernable face.


  • Go to Instagram
  • Log in with credentials from spreadsheet

Manage the Facebook Business Page

We created a Facebook business Page for you unless you already owned one. Customers can like or follow a Page to get updates from you. Anyone with a Facebook account can help manage one, as long as they have a role on the Page. We usually add all Facebook accounts you gave us with the manager role to the Page.

All managers will receive notifications and emails when customers like or follow the Page. Customers can also send messages or leave reviews. It is important to stay on top of these customer-interactions since they are often time-sensitive.

When managers interact with the Page, they can choose to do this as the Page owner or through their personal profile; the standard is Page owner. You want to update the Facebook Page frequently in order to keep the followers engaged. Any change to the Page is automatically pushed out to the followers.

Your Facebook Business and Instagram pages are linked. This allows cross-posting from Facebook to Instagram automatically. Here are a few links that describe how to cross-post:


OpenWeatherMap gives you free access to current weather data for any location on Earth, including over 200,000 cities. The data is frequently updated based on the global and local weather models, satellites, radars, and a vast network of weather stations.

We opened an account with OpenWeatherMap on your behalf and created an API key. It allows 1,000 API calls per day, enough for 20 different weather maps throughout your webpage. The credentials are on your spreadsheet.

For some businesses, it makes sense to show the current weather condition or even a forecast on the webpage. We will turn off this feature should it not benefit your line of business.

Login to User Account

Go to ; replace "yourdomain" with your proper domain name. Then login with the username "author" and the password from your spreadsheet. The admin account should only be used for website maintenance.

WordPress Login Screen

Note: Make sure to use a strong password since this login screen is exposed on the internet.

Securely Share Login Details

If you want us to log into your site to assist with an issue then emailing the password is not the safest practice. There are better ways to do it.

  • Never send a password by email.
  • Never send us your own login details. Create a new temporary account instead.
  • Always delete the temporary account when we’re done helping you.
  • Make a full website backup before we work on it.

Add temporary WordPress admin access

WordPress provides a way for you to give us admin access without emailing a password.

  1. Go to Users > Add New in the WordPress dashboard to create a temporary account for us.
  2. Use ujsoftware for Username.
  3. Use for Email.
  4. Use UJ Software for First Name.
  5. Leave Send User Notification checked.
  6. Choose Administrator for Role.
  7. Check 2FA Grace Period (if this field is on your form)
  8. Click Add New User then tell us you’ve made an account for us (don’t send the password).
  9. Make a reminder to delete this account when we’re done helping you.
add new temporary admin user menu

WordPress will email us a link that we can click to choose a new password. This way the password itself is never sent via email. The link will expire and we will not store the password. Instead, we’ll log in and choose “Remember Me”. You’ll then delete the account when we’re done.

delete new temporary admin user menu

Theme Customization

The video shows all available theme customizations without going into any detail. Most of the settings will be done by us when we create your website.

Change Cover Image

Follow these steps to change the cover image:

  • From the WordPress Menu
  • Media -> Add New
  • Drag and Drop the new image
  • Wait until you can see the thumbnail of the image
  • Appearance -> Customize
  • Header Banner
  • Button "Add new image"
  • Choose the image from the media library
  • Follow screens to Crop and Save
  • Button "Publish"

Note: WordPress always leaves the original uploaded image file and only works with copies. Everything can be undone if necessary.

Theme Demonstration

The following section shows the layout of all major elements with the currently selected fonts and colors. You can look at your own demo under; replace “yourdomain” with your proper domain name. 

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

Heading with muted text

Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.

Example body text

Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula.

This line of text is meant to be treated as fine print.

The following is rendered as bold text.

The following is rendered as italicized text.

An abbreviation of the word attribute is attr.

Emphasis classes

Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris nibh.

Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit.

Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum.

Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod.

Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla.

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula.

Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer posuere erat a ante.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer posuere erat a ante.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer posuere erat a ante.

TypeColumn headingColumn headingColumn heading
ActiveColumn contentColumn contentColumn content
DefaultColumn contentColumn contentColumn content
PrimaryColumn contentColumn contentColumn content
SecondaryColumn contentColumn contentColumn content
SuccessColumn contentColumn contentColumn content
DangerColumn contentColumn contentColumn content
WarningColumn contentColumn contentColumn content
InfoColumn contentColumn contentColumn content
LightColumn contentColumn contentColumn content
DarkColumn contentColumn contentColumn content
We'll never share your email with anyone else.
Radio buttons
Success! You've done it.
Sorry, that username's taken. Try another?
$ .00

Raw denim you probably haven't heard of them jean shorts Austin. Nesciunt tofu stumptown aliqua, retro synth master cleanse. Mustache cliche tempor, williamsburg carles vegan helvetica. Reprehenderit butcher retro keffiyeh dreamcatcher synth. Cosby sweater eu banh mi, qui irure terry richardson ex squid. Aliquip placeat salvia cillum iphone. Seitan aliquip quis cardigan american apparel, butcher voluptate nisi qui.

Food truck fixie locavore, accusamus mcsweeney's marfa nulla single-origin coffee squid. Exercitation +1 labore velit, blog sartorial PBR leggings next level wes anderson artisan four loko farm-to-table craft beer twee. Qui photo booth letterpress, commodo enim craft beer mlkshk aliquip jean shorts ullamco ad vinyl cillum PBR. Homo nostrud organic, assumenda labore aesthetic magna delectus mollit.




Best check yo self, you're not looking too good. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et.

Oh snap! Change a few things up and try submitting again.
Well done! You successfully read this important alert message.
Heads up! This alert needs your attention, but it's not super important.
Oh snap! Change a few things up and try submitting again.
Well done! You successfully read this important alert message.
Heads up! This alert needs your attention, but it's not super important.


Primary Secondary Success Danger Warning Info Light Dark
Primary Secondary Success Danger Warning Info Light Dark


Contextual alternatives

Multiple bars



List groups



Primary card title

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.


Secondary card title

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.


Success card title

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.


Danger card title

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.


Warning card title

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.


Info card title

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.


Light card title

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.


Dark card title

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.


Primary card title

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.


Secondary card title

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.


Success card title

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.


Danger card title

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.


Warning card title

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.


Info card title

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.


Light card title

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.


Dark card title

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

Card header

Special title treatment
Support card subtitle
Image cap

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

  • Cras justo odio
  • Dapibus ac facilisis in
  • Vestibulum at eros

Card title

Card subtitle

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

Card link Another link


This is the first item's accordion body. It is shown by default, until the collapse plugin adds the appropriate classes that we use to style each element. These classes control the overall appearance, as well as the showing and hiding via CSS transitions. You can modify any of this with custom CSS or overriding our default variables. It's also worth noting that just about any HTML can go within the .accordion-body, though the transition does limit overflow.

This is the second item's accordion body. It is hidden by default, until the collapse plugin adds the appropriate classes that we use to style each element. These classes control the overall appearance, as well as the showing and hiding via CSS transitions. You can modify any of this with custom CSS or overriding our default variables. It's also worth noting that just about any HTML can go within the .accordion-body, though the transition does limit overflow.

This is the third item's accordion body. It is hidden by default, until the collapse plugin adds the appropriate classes that we use to style each element. These classes control the overall appearance, as well as the showing and hiding via CSS transitions. You can modify any of this with custom CSS or overriding our default variables. It's also worth noting that just about any HTML can go within the .accordion-body, though the transition does limit overflow.





Footer 4
Footer 1Footer 2Footer 3
Footer 5Footer 6
Footer 7

Theme Shortcodes

The following shortcodes are supported by this theme:

  • [cts_site_owner_company]:
    UJ Software
  • [cts_site_owner_email]:
  • [cts_site_owner_phone]:
    (571) 599 - 1977
  • [cts_site_owner_fax]:
    (571) 555 - 1234
  • [cts_site_owner_location_address]:
    1 Main St
    Suite 100
    Chantilly, VA 20151
  • [cts_site_owner_year_founded]:
  • [cts_site_owner_company_age]:
  • [cts_site_owner_mailing_address]:
    Note: Returns [cts_site_owner_location_address] when empty)
    PO Box 230252
    Centreville, VA 20120
  • [cts_full_location_address]:
    UJ Software
    1 Main St
    Chantilly, VA 20151
    (571) 599 - 1977
    (571) 555 - 1234
  • [cts_site_owner_contact1]:
    Uwe Jacobs
  • [cts_site_owner_contact1_email]:
  • [cts_site_owner_contact1_phone]:
    (571) 599 - 1977
  • [cts_site_owner_contact2]:
    Uwe Jacobs
  • [cts_site_owner_contact2_email]:
  • [cts_site_owner_contact2_phone]:
    (571) 599 - 1977
  • [cts_site_owner_contact3]:
    Uwe Jacobs
  • [cts_site_owner_contact3_email]:
  • [cts_site_owner_contact3_phone]:
    (571) 599 - 1977
  • [cts_full_contacts]:
    Uwe Jacobs
    (571) 599 - 1977
  • [cts_social_google_my_business]
  • [cts_social_facebook]
  • [cts_social_bing_places]
  • [cts_social_yelp]
  • [cts_social_instagram]
  • [cts_social_youtube]
  • [cts_social_twitter]
  • [cts_social_linkedin]
  • [cts_social_nextdoor]
  • [cts_social_angi]
    These shortcodes show icons with a link to the various social media and business listings.
  • [cts_social]:
    This shortcode shows all icons for social media and business listings.
  • [cts_review_google]
  • [cts_review_facebook]
  • [cts_review_yelp]
  • [cts_review_angi]
    These shortcodes show icons with a link to the various social media and business review submissions.
  • [cts_review]
    This shortcode shows all icons with a link to the various social media and business review submissions.
  • [cts_recaptcha_key_v2]:
  • [cts_recaptcha_key_v3]:
  • [cts_creation_date]:
    March 14, 2022
  • [cts_modification_date]:
    January 20, 2023
  • [admin_url]:
  • [domain_name]:
  • [link url="#" newwindow="0"]label[/link]:
  • [site_url]:

Theme Animations

The following animations are available in this theme:

Note: Use with class .animated.

flip-in-hor-bottomFlip in horizontal bottom
flip-in-hor-topFlip in horizontal top
flip-in-ver-leftFlip in vertical left
flip-in-ver-rightFlip in vertical right
focus-in-expandFocus in expand
focus-in-contractFocus in contract
kenburns-topKen Burns top
kenburns-bottomKen Burns bottom
scale-in-bottomScale in bottom
scale-in-centerScale in center
scale-in-hor-centerScale in horizontal center
scale-in-topScale in top
scale-in-ver-center'Scale in vertical center
scale-up-centerScale up center
scale-up-hor-centerScale up horizontal center
scale-up-ver-centerScale up vertical center
shake-horizontalShake horizontal
shake-verticalShake vertical
slide-bck-centerSlide back center
slide-in-fwd-centerSlide in forward center
slide-in-leftSlide in left
slide-in-rightSlide in right
slit-in-horizontalSlit in horizontal
slit-in-verticalSlit in vertical
swing-in-bottom-bckSwing in bottom back
swing-in-bottom-fwdSwing in bottom forward
swing-in-top-bckSwing in top back
swing-in-top-fwdSwing in top forward
tracking-in-contractTracking in contract
tracking-in-expandTracking in expand

Contact Form 7

The Contact Form 7 plugin is the defacto standard for contact forms under WordPress. We install the below contact form either on the homepage or if your webpage has one, on the contact page. The name, email, and subject fields are mandatory, the message is optional. The form is protected by an invisible Google ReCaptcha.

Sample Contact Us Form

The Submit button triggers an email to the address with the contents of the form in the email body and informs the user that the message has been sent.

The plugin Flamingo, from the same developer as Contact Form 7, saves all messages through contact forms into the database. Otherwise, you may lose important messages forever if your mail server has issues or you make a mistake in mail configuration. It keeps an email address book and a list of all messages with detailed information which you can look up in WordPress anytime.

MailPoet 3 Premium

The MailPoet 3 Premium plugin is the most popular email and newsletter solution for WordPress. With a free account, which we signed up for on your behalf, you can send 5,000 emails per month to up to 1,000 subscribers through MailPoet Sending Service for free. Their high-availability service sends +30 million emails each month with a 98.5% deliverability rate. We authenticated as the sending address with MailPoet and configured the sender domain authentication to ensure email deliverability.

The sign-up form is at the bottom of each page above the footer:

MailPoet 3 Sample Form

When the user subscribes with a valid email address, the box informs about the confirmation email:

MailPoet 3 Sample Form Submitted

The sign-up confirmation often called "double opt-in", ensures your subscribers willingly joined your email list. All new subscribers will first receive a “confirmation email” from the MailPoet plugin. Inside this email, there is a link that must be clicked in order to activate the subscription to the newsletter. If they don’t click the link and confirm their subscription, they will remain “Unconfirmed” and will not receive any newsletters. The sign-up confirmation option is enforced when sending emails with MailPoet Sending Service, and there’s no option to disable it. See the checklist before importing an old email address list into Mailpoet.

When the user clicks on the "I confirm my subscription!" link from the confirmation email, he is directed to this webpage:

Double Opt-In Confirmation

Further reading:

PublishPress Future

The PublishPress Future plugin allows you to add an expiration date to posts. pages and other content types. When your post is automatically unpublished, you can delete the post, change the status, or update the post categories.

Here’s an overview of what you can do with PublishPress Future:

  • Choose expiry dates for content in any post type.
  • Select expiry dates in the right sidebar when editing posts.
  • Modify, remove or completely delete content when the expiry date arrives.
  • Modify expiry dates using “Quick Edit” and “Bulk Edit”.
  • Receive email notifications when your content expires.
  • Show expiry dates in your content, automatically or with shortcodes.
Post Expiration Menu Edit

Enable Post Expiration while editing a post or page.

Post Expiration Menu Quick Edit

Enable Post Expiration in the quick-edit menu.

Site Kit by Google

Site Kit is the official WordPress plugin from Google for insights about how people find and use your site. Site Kit is the one-stop solution to deploy, manage, and get insights from critical Google tools to make the site successful on the web. It provides authoritative, up-to-date insights from multiple Google products directly on the WordPress dashboard for easy access, all for free.

Bringing the best of Google tools to WordPress

Site Kit includes powerful features that make using these Google products seamless and flexible:

  • Easy-to-understand stats directly on your WordPress dashboard
  • Official stats from multiple Google tools, all in one dashboard
  • Quick setup for multiple Google tools without having to edit the source code of your site
  • Metrics for your entire site and for individual posts
  • Easy-to-manage, granular permissions across WordPress and different Google products

Supported Google tools

Site Kit shows key metrics and insights from different Google products:

  • Search Console: Understand how Google Search discovers and displays your pages in Google Search. Track how many people saw your site in Search results, and what query they used to search for your site.
  • Analytics: Explore how users navigate your site and track goals you’ve set up for your users to complete.
  • AdSense: Keep track of how much your site is earning you.
  • PageSpeed Insights: See how your pages perform compared to other real-world sites. Improve performance with actionable tips from PageSpeed Insights.
  • Tag Manager: Use Site Kit to easily set up Tag Manager- no code editing required. Then, manage your tags in Tag Manager.
  • Optimize: Use Site Kit to easily set up Optimize- no code editing required. Then, set up A/B tests in Optimize.


We installed and configured the Site Kit for you as part of our services. It will collect the analytics data starting on day 1:

Google Site Kit Overview Screen

We’re Open!

Change Opening Hours and Add Exceptions

The video shows how to enter the hours for a business that's open Monday through Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. Then we add an exception for a day where the business opens at noon. Finally, we add Independence Day as a closure day.

Layout sample

Standard layout for opening hours

Monday:09:00 – 17:00
Tuesday:09:00 – 17:00
Wednesday:09:00 – 17:00
Thursday:09:00 – 17:00
Friday:09:00 – 17:00
Sorry, we’re closed.

Theme Settings

We usually set the below defaults already when we create the website. But you can always modify the settings to use different images and keep the website fresh.

Theme Settings Menu

Go to General Theme Settings

Post Types

Select the Post Types that will be used on this website. Turning off unused types helps declutter the screen.

Alert Settings

Select the standard background color for alerts. The fallback is Danger. Follow the link to see the different colors as defined in your theme.

Booking Settings

Define the number of days from today that will show as Special Rate on the booking calendar. A value of 0 turns this feature off.
Set the colors for the bookings calendar.

Contact Settings

There are no options for the Contacts.

Event Settings

Set the default thumbnail image that precedes every Event on the website. Leave empty if you don't prefer any images on the Events.

FAQ Settings

Set the default thumbnail image that precedes every FAQ on the website. Leave empty if you don't prefer any images on the FAQs.

Fundraiser Settings

Set the default thumbnail image that precedes every Fundraiser on the website. Leave empty if you don't prefer any images on the Fundraisers.

News Settings

Set the default thumbnail image that precedes every News on the website. Leave empty if you don't prefer any images on the News.

Testimonial Settings

Set the default thumbnail images for female and male avatars that show next to the testimonial. Note: Leaving them empty will make the testimonials without their own image look odd.


Alerts are one-line messages that show prominently at the beginning of the homepage. They can be used to notify visitors about important changes or ongoing specials. For example, temporary business hour variations or special rates are good fits.

Add alerts

The video shows how to enter a couple of dummy alerts and how to sort them in the post listing. The first entry is a straight alert using the standard background color. The second one sets a different background color. The title itself does not show anywhere, only the text field will be displayed. The order field helps sort the posts. You can leave it at the standard of 10 if you are not concerned about the order.

Expire Alerts

Alerts are usually only needed for a short period. A temporary business hour change doesn't have to be displayed anymore once the hours are back to normal. By setting an expiration date at the alert, it will automatically disappear when the defined day/time arrives.

Layout samples

Standard layout for alerts on homepage

This is the text for test alert 1
This is the text for test alert 2 with a different color


Enter Bookings

The video shows how to enter and quick-edit bookings. The first booking is for one day, while the second booking spans a full workweek. The list of bookings can then sort by the start date to see them in chronological order. The bookings expire in draft status the following month after the end date since they do not show anymore on the calendar. The quick-edit menu allows changing the status of the booking without having to open the full editor.

Layout samples

The custom posts for bookings can be displayed in several layouts.



June 2024

Special Rate

July 2024

Special Rate

August 2024


September 2024


October 2024


November 2024


December 2024


January 2025


March 2025


April 2025


May 2025


June 2025



Upload and Crop Images

The video demonstrates how to upload images and crop square thumbnails for the contact image. The image must be square and at least 150 by 150 pixels, or the circular cutout will look elliptical.

Enter Contacts

The video shows how to enter a new contact with the custom posts. All fields, except for the name, are optional. The category "Contacts" and a menu order gets assigned to display these contacts in a predetermined order.

Layout samples

The custom contacts posts can be displayed in several layouts. Below are four sample layouts: Card, vertical card, round image, and raised image.

Man Wearing Black Formal Suit Jacket

John Doe

Man Wearing White Dress Shirt and Black Blazer

Dave Moneypenny

Woman In Blue Clothes Smiling

Samantha Cunningham

Man in Black Suit Jacket Holding Silver Laptop Computer

Thomas Avignon

Confident Businesswoman

Jane Mulligan

General Manager

William Lee

Vertical Card
Man Wearing Black Formal Suit Jacket

John Doe

Man Wearing White Dress Shirt and Black Blazer

Dave Moneypenny

Woman In Blue Clothes Smiling

Samantha Cunningham

Man in Black Suit Jacket Holding Silver Laptop Computer

Thomas Avignon

Confident Businesswoman

Jane Mulligan

General Manager

William Lee

Round Image
Man Wearing Black Formal Suit Jacket

John Doe

Man Wearing White Dress Shirt and Black Blazer

Dave Moneypenny

Woman In Blue Clothes Smiling

Samantha Cunningham

Man in Black Suit Jacket Holding Silver Laptop Computer

Thomas Avignon

Confident Businesswoman

Jane Mulligan

General Manager

William Lee

Raised Image
Man Wearing Black Formal Suit Jacket
John Doe
Man Wearing White Dress Shirt and Black Blazer
Dave Moneypenny
Woman In Blue Clothes Smiling
Samantha Cunningham
Man in Black Suit Jacket Holding Silver Laptop Computer
Thomas Avignon
Confident Businesswoman
Jane Mulligan
William Lee
General Manager


The event posts can be used to create calendar events with a detailed description. The title is the event name. Each event has a mandatory start date field and an optional end date for longer events. The detailed text field allows shortcodes but no further formatting other than linebreaks. Each post can display a different thumbnail image to visually highlight the type of event. If none is provided, it will use the image from the general settings. A second, larger image can be shown to the right of the detailed description. In the final layout, all entries are ordered by the start date.

Add an event

The video shows how to enter a few dummy events. The first entry doesn't set any images. The second one picks a different thumbnail image. The third FAQ picks a different thumbnail image as well as the additional image for the text area. Finally, you see the list of entered events. Sorting by the start date column rearranges the posts in the order they will later show up.

Layout samples

The custom events posts can be displayed in several layouts. Below are four sample layouts: Slider, accordion, unordered list, and flat.


An Elderly Couple Meditating in the Park
Join us for Yoga Meditation starting at 10am. The event is outdoors, weather permitting.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing, elit eleifend quisque senectus torquent, laoreet pharetra gravida phasellus finibus. Iaculis eros fusce lorem curae suspendisse arcu vivamus sem sagittis venenatis cras ante, est ad diam elementum ipsum urna euismod proin fringilla volutpat lectus, inceptos nascetur feugiat aenean himenaeos scelerisque tellus tempor rhoncus nulla aliquet. Gravida ad in ligula platea odio per pulvinar posuere, cursus vivamus netus dui nibh faucibus aenean torquent ante, primis magna nostra nulla nisi lobortis litora.

Join us during the 1st April week for birdwatching sessions in the afternoon.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit vestibulum porttitor, eleifend penatibus lectus ligula dapibus ut mattis massa dignissim vel, sodales felis congue nunc eu diam mi per. Tristique ligula ipsum condimentum dictumst netus gravida habitant suscipit, amet curae cras scelerisque euismod sem auctor dolor volutpat, fames augue ante sociosqu tempor laoreet molestie. Aliquet congue commodo nulla lacus pharetra ultricies, nunc posuere ligula nibh dis, himenaeos pellentesque ultrices pretium nostra.

Come and visit us from 10am - 2pm. Lunch provided.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit nascetur, gravida molestie urna primis viverra nisi erat conubia nisl, praesent arcu donec et porttitor taciti nam. Lobortis fringilla nullam mollis mi fusce odio tellus vel tortor, massa class a integer varius parturient dignissim primis, eros maecenas torquent adipiscing per id volutpat ultricies. Volutpat urna integer fringilla in laoreet ligula feugiat litora, odio amet ac curabitur bibendum placerat maximus neque et, mauris habitant conubia sit eleifend malesuada vel.
Unordered List
  • Yoga Meditation


    An Elderly Couple Meditating in the Park
    Join us for Yoga Meditation starting at 10am. The event is outdoors, weather permitting.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit, sollicitudin risus est vestibulum velit massa tellus eget, posuere elementum sem at quisque mi. Maximus mus nam himenaeos semper nunc class tortor cursus sed, scelerisque suscipit fusce aenean laoreet sociosqu porta nec litora, ut massa hac magnis tellus enim libero vulputate. Eu diam consectetur ullamcorper ac torquent sollicitudin, enim himenaeos justo tempor porttitor integer cubilia, fringilla metus lacus interdum consequat.
  • Flying Bird

    04/04/2022 - 04/08/2022

    Join us during the 1st April week for birdwatching sessions in the afternoon.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit rutrum commodo quisque, montes augue senectus accumsan lectus potenti auctor rhoncus tortor tincidunt justo, hendrerit vitae mauris sem iaculis libero scelerisque odio neque. Conubia scelerisque auctor in risus purus per ligula montes penatibus, sit euismod senectus fusce accumsan pharetra a. Viverra tempor laoreet nec nullam himenaeos pellentesque per ut, nulla aptent donec porttitor conubia dictum mauris, adipiscing senectus montes ullamcorper ad nam cras.
  • Generic event image

    Open House

    Come and visit us from 10am - 2pm. Lunch provided.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit eros aenean, justo quis litora augue eu nullam integer et dictumst, nulla id sollicitudin urna netus ridiculus sagittis ante. Nullam vulputate massa nam laoreet a ligula ipsum integer sollicitudin, elementum vitae curae dictumst taciti sapien at habitant blandit ex, eleifend semper felis suspendisse gravida ac interdum vehicula. Commodo tellus netus placerat aliquet egestas sollicitudin interdum ex, ornare fermentum gravida suscipit fringilla eu molestie venenatis, nec conubia tempus efficitur nascetur scelerisque natoque.
Yoga Meditation


An Elderly Couple Meditating in the Park
Join us for Yoga Meditation starting at 10am. The event is outdoors, weather permitting.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit convallis volutpat, lobortis mauris interdum platea fusce non donec iaculis faucibus morbi, inceptos conubia tincidunt egestas magna blandit nam primis. Proin ipsum lacus quis massa velit conubia neque nec congue auctor, maecenas tristique mauris consequat mi libero nunc sed non, suscipit curae nam cras odio fames tortor habitant ridiculus. Sit integer taciti suspendisse tempor massa ridiculus dis, conubia ante platea mauris efficitur fames litora, feugiat himenaeos turpis blandit cubilia facilisis.
Flying Bird

04/04/2022 - 04/08/2022

Join us during the 1st April week for birdwatching sessions in the afternoon.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit, non accumsan vulputate luctus leo dignissim penatibus, quisque dictum molestie fames primis litora. Ut morbi montes litora platea penatibus eros nisl, non magna bibendum eget vulputate lacinia, fringilla pharetra class hac facilisi proin. Tempus pretium amet nisl ac rhoncus et, quis nec magnis scelerisque tortor nullam, hendrerit tempor dapibus maximus torquent.
Generic event image

Open House

Come and visit us from 10am - 2pm. Lunch provided.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit, morbi nulla malesuada inceptos torquent a quis ullamcorper, neque diam eros tellus ex enim. Efficitur nunc rhoncus amet ornare elit himenaeos etiam non, augue velit posuere ridiculus commodo nostra auctor, nec in natoque consectetur sodales porttitor lacus. Aenean pretium blandit nisl tincidunt semper facilisis curabitur iaculis rutrum fusce, ipsum viverra adipiscing tortor molestie vulputate maecenas convallis lacus aliquet ridiculus, duis inceptos est interdum scelerisque nam quam dis vitae.

Generic Posts

The generic posts are very similar. Their title is either the headline (news and fundraiser) or the questions (FAQ). All have a text field for their detail or answer. The text field allows shortcodes but no further formatting other than linebreaks. Each post can have its thumbnail image. If none is provided, it will use the image from the general settings. The order field helps sort the posts. You can leave it at the standard of 10 if you are not concerned about the order.

Add a generic post

The video shows how to enter a few dummy FAQs and how to sort them in the post listing. The first entry is a straight text FAQ. The second one shows how to set a different image and use a link in the text. The third FAQ is saved as a draft and will not show up until its published. The fourth example defines an expiration date for the post that sets it to draft status on the expiration day/time. Finally, you see the list of entered posts. Sorting by the order column rearranges the posts in the order they will later show up.

Layout samples

The generic custom posts can be displayed in several layouts. Below are four sample layouts for each generic post type: Slider, accordion, unordered list, and flat.



The first sample answer.

The second sample answer with a different image and a link.

The fourth sample answer.
Unordered List
  • Generic faq image

    The first sample question.

    The first sample answer.
  • Generic faq image

    The second sample question.

    The second sample answer with a different image and a link.
  • Generic faq image

    The fourth sample questions.

    The fourth sample answer.
Generic faq image

The first sample question.

The first sample answer.
Generic faq image

The second sample question.

The second sample answer with a different image and a link.
Generic faq image

The fourth sample questions.

The fourth sample answer.



The first sample fundraiser.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit eget lobortis, aptent augue diam et tempor vehicula per pellentesque, tristique dictum ornare risus sapien pulvinar lectus dapibus. Dapibus pellentesque conubia montes ex molestie suscipit at dignissim penatibus tortor felis dui, feugiat dictum viverra habitasse natoque praesent lacinia quam ridiculus congue. Ridiculus fusce erat massa ipsum fringilla, felis ultrices pretium congue, purus sollicitudin duis suspendisse.

The second sample fundraiser with a different image and a link.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit ultricies, sodales auctor ullamcorper suspendisse tellus a leo viverra, dis ex nulla nullam ac parturient mauris. Dolor fusce enim proin euismod nullam ut sed pharetra, neque nulla amet non ornare facilisi netus adipiscing taciti, egestas malesuada ante cras per faucibus maecenas. Non volutpat sollicitudin senectus per finibus elementum lacinia maecenas nunc, phasellus interdum habitant penatibus velit nec gravida.

The fourth sample fundraiser.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipiscing elit felis dapibus. Enim duis sapien laoreet fringilla ullamcorper eleifend libero suscipit taciti cursus nostra maximus mauris cubilia, diam class varius dignissim dis facilisi mi malesuada molestie in parturient feugiat orci. Fringilla feugiat proin in semper auctor facilisis fusce justo sodales, lorem per vivamus volutpat odio maximus taciti nec, leo dui gravida aliquet dictumst quis quisque integer.
Unordered List
  • Generic fundraiser image

    The first sample fundraiser headline.

    The first sample fundraiser.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit convallis fames volutpat mattis, pellentesque sagittis sed integer mauris vel blandit metus magna tempus, gravida primis iaculis ut rutrum sem ultrices et elementum quisque. Faucibus iaculis justo integer torquent scelerisque libero quam facilisis per, dapibus hendrerit porttitor auctor tortor ut sem nec senectus, tincidunt ultrices finibus nisi felis tempus natoque mollis. Aliquam libero inceptos nullam cursus mattis consectetur molestie porta lectus, arcu ullamcorper etiam ut fermentum odio cras vel, lacinia montes donec tempor nam ipsum phasellus ultricies.
  • Generic fundraiser image

    The second sample fundraiser headline.

    The second sample fundraiser with a different image and a link.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit diam senectus, phasellus mattis erat justo viverra dui risus a dapibus ultricies, nec ullamcorper eros quam commodo natoque ridiculus ac. Volutpat suspendisse sodales lacus cubilia commodo non congue habitasse ante, porta lacinia euismod quis viverra mauris duis magnis lorem, nisi ut varius sollicitudin ridiculus et dictumst semper. Ultricies interdum natoque enim fringilla aenean aptent purus justo, dolor sollicitudin tincidunt platea molestie in ligula odio nisl, vehicula metus eros commodo ridiculus erat eget.
  • Generic fundraiser image

    The fourth sample fundraiser headlines.

    The fourth sample fundraiser.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit lobortis elementum nam aenean pulvinar, nec laoreet porttitor platea posuere facilisis id habitasse cras inceptos purus netus, montes libero cubilia dapibus a diam class porta gravida aptent pretium. Nisi ligula lectus tempor mattis scelerisque condimentum rutrum, efficitur tempus pretium maximus mauris aptent, nibh eget arcu lacinia magna porta. Auctor luctus porttitor lectus erat fringilla vel nam, cursus ad proin est faucibus posuere ante, morbi libero congue diam rhoncus tristique.
Generic fundraiser image

The first sample fundraiser headline.

The first sample fundraiser.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit laoreet, feugiat proin aliquam venenatis phasellus taciti posuere pretium, facilisis egestas ligula interdum platea lectus euismod. Egestas faucibus ante tortor habitasse proin dignissim sagittis nam, vivamus varius lorem nibh vitae placerat sit hac dis, ex ridiculus ultrices efficitur a quisque feugiat. A non semper velit montes gravida elit nunc suscipit consectetur congue, nisi varius diam inceptos dictum laoreet morbi placerat ac, quis nullam habitant aliquam volutpat eros donec senectus tellus.
Generic fundraiser image

The second sample fundraiser headline.

The second sample fundraiser with a different image and a link.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit sapien rutrum, natoque eros litora eleifend inceptos augue donec. Ridiculus fermentum augue curae vitae lobortis nascetur risus nibh dictumst eget, netus enim porta malesuada varius platea potenti est cursus, suspendisse et porttitor vestibulum sagittis duis orci taciti urna. Vestibulum sit ultrices penatibus blandit fames justo per augue, eu rutrum sapien orci neque at mattis, imperdiet nibh enim lobortis lectus suspendisse velit.
Generic fundraiser image

The fourth sample fundraiser headlines.

The fourth sample fundraiser.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit nisi, fermentum commodo id pellentesque aptent eros maximus dui, cubilia platea nostra volutpat tristique vestibulum curae. Gravida odio viverra turpis ut himenaeos vulputate risus, convallis suspendisse auctor nullam molestie pharetra velit maximus, nulla hendrerit euismod fusce egestas neque. Vulputate scelerisque luctus venenatis eu nostra sem montes egestas suspendisse, interdum risus nisl molestie torquent maecenas erat ullamcorper vitae, dictumst id gravida tempor vestibulum vehicula laoreet nulla.



The first sample news.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit maecenas pretium, convallis mauris varius elementum inceptos quam natoque et, blandit sem dictumst at velit mattis morbi himenaeos. Imperdiet curabitur dui class mus sagittis montes vulputate diam elit purus nunc, ligula inceptos eleifend posuere phasellus pretium quis ex etiam dolor, mauris cras habitant litora scelerisque consectetur vestibulum sit donec fermentum. Inceptos donec vulputate habitant mi luctus torquent tristique id, magna ad lacinia amet posuere suspendisse est aliquet urna, tortor nascetur nisl cubilia metus leo himenaeos.

The second sample news with a different image and a link.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit suspendisse ornare netus, purus eleifend risus molestie sagittis quam ut venenatis nam, posuere suscipit volutpat class taciti vivamus lobortis gravida parturient. Dictumst quisque gravida ridiculus orci aliquam feugiat eget mollis, commodo vel ultricies auctor varius porta sed, vestibulum porttitor tortor maximus aenean bibendum felis. Adipiscing ut venenatis rutrum dui molestie, non pharetra tempor semper, porttitor iaculis odio libero.

The third sample news will be a draft not shown until its published.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit eleifend, viverra efficitur nullam pretium est cubilia fusce felis, torquent pulvinar maecenas lectus eu pellentesque semper. Ridiculus facilisis nullam quisque per natoque nam turpis et posuere leo fermentum duis vulputate, lorem risus parturient litora phasellus potenti vel amet purus vitae at. Fames lorem dictum in fringilla morbi conubia himenaeos rutrum libero facilisis mollis, facilisi congue ac aliquet posuere accumsan hendrerit venenatis cubilia aenean, tempus semper nec magnis lobortis pellentesque dignissim dolor montes vehicula.

The fourth sample news.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing, elit et ultricies litora cras sagittis, neque suspendisse hac egestas id. Urna dui vestibulum ultricies litora rutrum imperdiet nascetur condimentum feugiat nam platea, bibendum taciti ante vitae parturient ridiculus gravida primis dictumst felis, cubilia sodales nibh faucibus dictum quam conubia hendrerit cursus magna. Taciti dignissim iaculis vitae pulvinar habitasse aliquet fusce, consectetur eleifend lorem imperdiet egestas nulla ornare, viverra lectus duis lobortis elit per.
Unordered List
  • Generic news image

    The first sample news headline.

    The first sample news.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit, a metus praesent posuere ad augue at vulputate, aliquam lectus ornare porttitor feugiat auctor. Elit faucibus egestas venenatis semper conubia in sagittis senectus maximus mollis vivamus, per tempus mi platea lacus volutpat habitant consectetur curae convallis consequat, lacinia nec libero donec justo ridiculus sapien ultrices curabitur himenaeos. Orci aptent magna ante eu vel eget massa phasellus malesuada fringilla, torquent consequat dapibus porttitor sit id scelerisque quam nulla semper consectetur, efficitur himenaeos tellus nisl tincidunt facilisi fusce porta ligula.
  • Generic news image

    The second sample news headline.

    The second sample news with a different image and a link.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit integer, imperdiet suspendisse nam leo efficitur ac fermentum torquent aptent, neque pulvinar diam magnis aliquam enim euismod. Conubia scelerisque morbi ipsum molestie felis non vel, sodales senectus vivamus dapibus suspendisse pretium, fames phasellus ante aenean ultricies mus. Id sem habitasse diam in vestibulum bibendum, vitae varius ipsum inceptos primis, dictumst odio eleifend volutpat urna.
  • Generic news image

    The third sample news headline.

    The third sample news will be a draft not shown until its published.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit augue ultricies habitant porttitor primis, velit laoreet volutpat ornare mauris purus dapibus ante fusce suscipit sodales tortor, curae ut per commodo inceptos egestas a penatibus sed cras nam. Metus velit dapibus ante vulputate consequat adipiscing urna, vel nisl fringilla et sagittis risus habitasse augue, elementum est consectetur fusce mollis lobortis. Maximus sollicitudin ad consectetur facilisi fringilla commodo cras et quam nibh erat velit nascetur, ex neque nunc non cursus posuere in augue venenatis diam rutrum odio.
  • Generic news image

    The fourth sample news headlines.

    The fourth sample news.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipiscing elit vitae consequat rutrum, viverra dictum class congue. Vivamus augue magna rutrum nec lectus quisque senectus pellentesque curabitur potenti, porta lacinia vehicula parturient orci semper quam adipiscing quis. Ultricies euismod neque auctor pharetra nam duis erat dapibus, dis fringilla purus placerat sem eros semper, etiam curae at eu tincidunt mollis parturient.
Generic news image

The first sample news headline.

The first sample news.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit at malesuada praesent sem, est laoreet risus urna aliquam augue felis integer penatibus enim, orci per elementum maximus pellentesque dictum ligula sodales convallis neque. Parturient class dui ad donec habitasse suspendisse dolor fames, dignissim egestas ipsum velit metus mollis sed aenean, pharetra vehicula fermentum aliquam vel dictum eu. Dictumst cursus eros maximus finibus felis posuere consequat, luctus magna taciti donec lectus aliquet efficitur sed, odio integer habitasse nostra volutpat ut.
Generic news image

The second sample news headline.

The second sample news with a different image and a link.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit aliquet, lectus eget tincidunt quisque eleifend nascetur nulla, odio platea dapibus integer massa nam convallis. Quisque cursus non nec risus massa fusce velit, sit posuere netus hendrerit lorem cras elit, tempor lacus vitae varius eleifend et, libero leo suscipit aliquam taciti ante. Nam etiam morbi sollicitudin finibus vestibulum ipsum vulputate mi auctor, duis lacus sodales integer urna interdum velit tortor varius, placerat sociosqu ultricies platea hac massa luctus congue.
Generic news image

The third sample news headline.

The third sample news will be a draft not shown until its published.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit nisl, placerat libero varius tempor vestibulum sapien at, fermentum nam ornare diam cursus natoque finibus. Parturient ridiculus donec feugiat cubilia luctus placerat sodales velit dapibus lobortis magnis, malesuada tincidunt arcu sem est pulvinar orci erat varius duis, dictum libero metus id enim justo hac penatibus turpis fringilla. Ullamcorper iaculis potenti porta arcu litora metus aptent vivamus nulla dolor, viverra turpis dui neque sodales torquent efficitur cursus ridiculus pellentesque hac, magnis at sed adipiscing vulputate cubilia urna sapien condimentum.
Generic news image

The fourth sample news headlines.

The fourth sample news.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit eu sapien, dis maximus quisque. Curabitur eget sit eleifend vehicula sed molestie cras massa nulla suscipit, quam viverra tempus dictum quisque nec euismod felis nam. Nostra pharetra cubilia feugiat tincidunt scelerisque sociosqu lobortis, augue tempor mattis mauris id blandit primis consequat, habitant aliquet erat sit semper consectetur.


Upload and Crop Images

The video demonstrates how to upload images and crop square thumbnails for the tutorial image. The image must be square and at least 150 by 150 pixels, or the circular cutout will look elliptical.

Enter Testimonials

The video shows how to enter testimonials with the custom posts. The first two testimonials use the images we prepared in the previous step. The third testimonial will use a generic image. For that, we don't select an image but enter the gender instead. You also need to select the correct category if you have different testimonial posts on your webpage; this is not shown in the below video.

Layout samples

The custom posts for testimonials can be displayed in several layouts.

Slider (Image left on wider screens, otherwise on top)

Slider (Image on top)



Jane Doe



John Doe



Emma Doe


Displaying Custom Post Types

We use the Display Posts plugin to query and display our custom post types in WordPress. The plugin selects the posts by any combination of type, status, category, tag, meta key, or search query and sorts them by date, title, menu order, or meta value - to name just the most important ones. Open, close, and output filters allow full control over the output.

This shortcode displays all FAQs with the category 'general' ordered by the menu order in an accordion. The message "No FAQs at this time" is shown in case the selection has no results.

[display-posts post_type="faq" category="general" no_posts_message="No FAQs at this time" wrapper="accordion"]

General Display Posts Query and Display Parameters

The following parameters are common for all custom post types. In general, all parameters listed in the display-posts documentation can be used but our custom post types extend or override some of them. Only those differences are listed here.

Specify which post type to use. You can use a default one (post or page), or a custom post type you’ve created.
Default: post
Options include: alert, booking, contact, event, faq, fundraiser, news, testimonial
Example: [display-posts post_type="event"]

Specify a unique ID to be used on the wrapper of this listing.
Default: empty
Note: The wrapper_id is ignored on accordion and carousel wrappers because the plugin must generate its own ID.
Example: [display-posts category="cars" wrapper_id="cars-listing"]

How many posts to display.
Default: -1 (list all posts)
Example: [display-posts posts_per_page="5"]

Specify whether posts are ordered in descending order (DESC) or ascending order (ASC).
Default: ASC
Example: [display-posts order="DESC"]

Specify what the posts are ordered by.
Default: menu_order
Options include: date, modified, rand, comment_count, menu_order, ID, author, title, name, type, meta_value, meta_value_num, post__in
Example: [display-posts orderby="date"]

Specify the class name used for each post.
Default: listing-item
Example: [display-posts include_content="true" listing_class="dps-listing-item"]

Custom parameter to specify which template part layout should be used. See the template parts tutorial.
Default: empty
Example: [display-posts layout="dps-listing-item"]

The amount of time to delay between automatically cycling to the next item for a carousel in milliseconds. If 0, the carousel will not automatically cycle.
Default: 5000
Example: [display-posts wrapper="carousel" interval="3000"]

Specify the class name used for the arrows and dots at a carousel. You can use "dark" or "light" depending on the background color.
Default: dark
Example: [display-posts arrow_color_class="light"]

Show the left arrow at a carousel.
Default: true
Example: [display-posts left_arrow="false"]

Show the right arrow at a carousel.
Default: true
Example: [display-posts right_arrow="false"]

The width of the carousel content in percent. The left and right arrows each use 15% and will be on top of the content if the percentage is greater than approximately 85%.
Default: 70
Example: [display-posts right_arrow="false" left_arrow="false" carousel_width="100"]

Show the indicator dots below the slider.
Default: true
Example: [display-posts carousel_dots="false" right_arrow="false" left_arrow="false" carousel_width="100"]

This should be a unique key you define to cache the output. Each key will be cached separately, so if you are using the same shortcode on multiple pages you can use the same key for each one (cache it once rather than separately). Internally, the name of the key is expanded with the word "dps", the post type, and a checksum of the parameters. Whenever a new post is created or an existing one is modified, all caches for this post type are deleted to ensure accurate data.
Default: none
Example: [display-posts transient_key="all_posts" transient_expiration="2 * DAY_IN_SECONDS"]

This is how long (in seconds) the data should be cached. You can specify a number (ex: 86400), or use one of the time constants to make it easier to read (ex: WEEK_IN_SECONDS). You can also multiply the constants (ex: 2 * DAY_IN_SECONDS ).
Default: none
Example: [display-posts transient_key="all_posts" transient_expiration="WEEK_IN_SECONDS"]

Featured Image

The featured image in our custom posts should always have a square thumbnail image defined. Otherwise, the round images will look like ovals. Follow these steps to define a square thumbnail image:

  • Media Manager
  • Click on the image
  • Click on "Edit Image" under the image
  • Select "Thumbnail" under "Apply changes to:"
  • Click on "Crop"
  • Select the thumbnail area on the image
  • Make the width and height under the Image Crop Selection the same
  • Click on "Crop" again
  • Click on "Save"

Display Parameters for Alerts

There are no additional display parameters for the custom post type Alert.

Display Parameters for Generic Post

What type of HTML should be used to display the listings. It can be an unordered list (ul), ordered list (ol), divs (div), accordion, or carousel (slider).
Default: ul
Example: [display-posts wrapper="accordion"]

Specify the class name used for the icon.
Default: icon
Example: [display-posts post_type="news" icon_class="my-icons"]

Specify the class name used for the title. The title content depends on the post type. It could be the questions at a FAQ, the headline at an Event, or the name at a Contact or Testimonial.
Default: title
Example: [display-posts post_type="news" icon_class="my-titles"]

Specify the class name used for the featured image.
Default: image
Example: [display-posts post_type="news" image_class="my-images"]

Specify the maximum optional icon height in px.
Default: 50
Example: [display-posts post_type="news" icon_max_height="75"]

Specify an image size for displaying the featured image, if the post has one. The image_size can be set to thumbnail, medium, large (all controlled from Settings > Media), or a custom image size.
Default: medium
Example: [display-posts post_type="news" image_size="large"]

Include the post’s title. The title content depends on the post type. It could be the questions at a FAQ, the headline at an Event, or the name at a Contact or Testimonial.
Default: true
Example: [display-posts post_type="news" include_title="false"]

Include the post’s icon if there is a default icon for the post type.
Default: true
Example: [display-posts post_type="news" include_icon="false"]

Specify whether or not to include the post content, usually the text field. Note that [display-posts] will be stripped out of the content to prevent infinite loops
Default: true
Example: [display-posts post_type="news" include_content="false"]

Specify whether or not to include the featured image, if the post has one.
Default: true
Example: [display-posts post_type="news" include_content="false"]

Specify whether or not to show only the content which comes before the <!--more--> tag at a carousel. The user has to click a "read more" button to see the full text.
Default: true
Example: [display-posts post_type="news" read_more="false"]

Specify whether or not to include the date at an event.
Default: true
Example: [display-posts post_type="news" include_date="false"]

Specify the class name used for the date at an event.
Default: date
Example: [display-posts post_type="news" date_class="my_dates"]

Specify the display date format used for the date at an event.
Default: m/d/Y
Example: [display-posts post_type="news" date_format="(m/d/Y)"]

Specify the display time format used for the time at an event.
Default: g:i a
Example: [display-posts post_type="news" time_format="H:i"]

Display Parameters for Testimonials

What type of HTML should be used to display the listings. It can be an accordion or a carousel (slider).
Default: carousel
Example: [display-posts wrapper="accordion"]

Specify the size of the testimonials. Options are "large" for the image to the left of the text or "small" for the image on top of the text.
Default: large
Example: [display-posts post_type="testimonial" size="small"]

Specify the maximum height of the image in pixels.
Default: 150
Example: [display-posts post_type="testimonial" image_max_height="200"]

Specify whether or not to show only the content which comes before the <!--more--> tag at a carousel. The user has to click a "read more" button to see the full text.
Default: true
Example: [display-posts post_type="testimonial" read_more="false"]

Specify the class name used for the name.
Default: title
Example: [display-posts posts_type="testimonial" title_class="my-titles"]

Specify the class name used for the job title(s).
Default: job-title
Example: [display-posts posts_type="testimonial" job-title_class="my-job-titles"]

Specify the class name used for the image.
Default: image
Example: [display-posts post_type="testimonial" image_class="my-images"]

Specify the class name used for the testimonial text.
Default: text
Example: [display-posts post_type="testimonial" text_class="my-text"]

Include the name.
Default: true
Example: [display-posts post_type="testimonial" include_title="false"]

Include the job title(s).
Default: true
Example: [display-posts post_type="testimonial" include_job_title="false"]

Include the star rating.
Default: true
Example: [display-posts post_type="testimonial" include_stars="false"]

Include the featured image.
Default: true
Example: [display-posts post_type="testimonial" include_image="false"]

Display Parameters for Bookings

What type of HTML should be used to display the listings. It can be an "accordion" or a "carousel" (slider).
Default: accordion
Example: [display-posts post_type="bookings" wrapper="carousel"]

Specify the class name used for the month and year title at the accordion.
Default: title
Example: [display-posts posts_type="booking" title_class="my-titles"]

Specify the class name used for the legend under the calendar.
Default: legend
Example: [display-posts posts_type="booking" legend_class="my-legends"]

Specify the class name used for the calendar.
Default: calendar-table
Example: [display-posts posts_type="booking" legend_class="my-calendars"]

Specify the class name used for the calendar days.
Default: calendar-table-item
Example: [display-posts posts_type="booking" legend_class="my-calendar-items"]

Include the legend under the calendar.
Default: true
Example: [display-posts post_type="testimonial" include_legend="false"]

Display Parameters for Contacts

What type of HTML should be used to display the listings. It can be a card, a vertical card (vertical-card), a round-image (round-image), or a raised image (raised-image).
Default: card
Example: [display-posts post_type="contact" wrapper="accordion"]

Specify the maximum height of the image in pixels for wrappers "round-image" and "raised-image".
Default: 150
Example: [display-posts post_type="contact" image_max_height="200" image_max_width="200"]

Specify the maximum width of the image in pixels for wrappers "round-image" and "raised-image".
Default: 150
Example: [display-posts post_type="contact" image_max_height="200" image_max_width="200"]

Specify the maximum width in pixels of the cards for wrappers "card" and "vertical-card". Both use an image of size "medium" which is usually 300 pixels wide.
Default: 300 for "card" and 540 for "vertical-card"
Example: [display-posts post_type="contact" wrapper="vertical-card" max_width="600"]

Specify the class name used for the name.
Default: name
Example: [display-posts post_type="contact" wrapper="card" name_class="my-names"]

Specify the class name used for the job position.
Default: position
Example: [display-posts post_type="contact" wrapper="card" position_class="my-positions"]

Specify the class name used for the image.
Default: image
Example: [display-posts post_type="contact" wrapper="card" image_class="my-images"]

Specify the class name used for the text.
Default: text
Example: [display-posts post_type="contact" wrapper="card" text_class="my-text"]

Specify the class name used for the social listing.
Default: social_list
Example: [display-posts post_type="contact" wrapper="card" social_listing_class="my-social-list"]

Specify the class name used for the social items.
Default: social-item social
Example: [display-posts post_type="contact" wrapper="card" social_item_class="my-social-item"]

Specify the class name used for the social email item.
Default: social-item email
Example: [display-posts post_type="contact" wrapper="card" email_class="my-social-email-item"]

Specify the class name used for the social phone item.
Default: social-item phone
Example: [display-posts post_type="contact" wrapper="card" phone_class="my-social-phone-item"]

Include the name.
Default: true
Example: [display-posts post_type="contact" wrapper="vertical=card" include_name="false"]

Include the position.
Default: true
Example: [display-posts post_type="contact" wrapper="vertical=card" include_position="false"]

Include the text.
Default: true
Example: [display-posts post_type="contact" wrapper="vertical=card" include_text="false"]

Include the image.
Default: true
Example: [display-posts post_type="contact" wrapper="vertical=card" include_image="false"]

Include the email.
Default: true
Example: [display-posts post_type="contact" wrapper="vertical=card" include_email="false"]

Include the phone.
Default: true
Example: [display-posts post_type="contact" wrapper="vertical=card" include_phone="false"]

Include the social and business accounts.
Default: true
Example: [display-posts post_type="contact" wrapper="vertical=card" include_social="false"]

Custom Posts Field Names

The title (the_title()) depends on the post type:

  • Alert => not used
  • Booking => not used
  • Contact => Name
  • Event => Short Description
  • FAQ => Question
  • Fundraiser => Short Description
  • News => Short Description
  • Testimonial => Name


  • text (type wysiwyg)
  • color (type select)


  • start_date (type date_picker)
  • end_date (type date_picker)
  • status (type radio)
  • comment (type wysiwyg)


  • position (type text)
  • email (type email)
  • phone (type text)
  • text (type wysiwyg)
  • twitter_url (type url)
  • facebook_url (type url)
  • instagram_url (type url)


  • image (type image)
  • start_date (type date_time_picker)
  • end_date (type date_time_picker)
  • text (type wysiwyg)
  • image_position (type radio)


  • text (type wysiwyg)
  • image (type image)
  • image_position (type radio)


  • text (type wysiwyg)
  • image (type image)
  • image_position (type radio)


  • text (type wysiwyg)
  • image (type image)
  • image_position (type radio)


  • picture (type image)
  • gender (type radio)
  • title (type wysiwyg)
  • stars (type number)
  • text (type wysiwyg)

Image Slider

Adding images to the slider

The video shows how to add images to the slider. We set up your main image slider to show all images with the category "Slider". You need to use the appropriate category should your webpage contain multiple sliders.

Remove image from the slider

The video shows how to remove an image from the slider. It's done by unchecking the "Slider" category in the image. You need to use the appropriate category should your webpage contain multiple sliders.

Sample slider

This image slider is generated with help of the plugins "Media Library Assistant" and "Photonic Gallery & Lightbox". It pulls all images with a certain category into the slider.

  • Two men hiking on snow mountain
    Two men hiking on snow mountain
  • Snow covering pine tree
    Snow covering pine tree
  • Pathway between green leaf trees
    Pathway between green leaf trees
  • Green Tree
    Green Tree
  • Green grass field near houses
    Green grass field near houses
  • Reindeer in the snow
    Reindeer in the snow
  • Pink Flowers Near Mountain Covered by Snow
    Pink Flowers Near Mountain Covered by Snow
  • Mountain beside body of water with aurora borealis
    Mountain beside body of water with aurora borealis
  • Amazing waterfall with lush foliage on rocks
    Amazing waterfall with lush foliage on rocks
  • Orange sky
    Orange sky
  • Raindrops
  • Gray clouds
    Gray clouds
  • Raindrops
  • Island during golden hour and upcoming storm
    Island during golden hour and upcoming storm
  • Clouds
  • Scenic view of snow capped mountains during night
    Scenic view of snow capped mountains during night
  • Clouds
  • Scenic View Of Mountains During Dawn
    Scenic View Of Mountains During Dawn
  • Lightning and gray clouds
    Lightning and gray clouds