The main advantage of the templating system is that you can create completely personalized Weather layouts without changing the core of the plugin. In addition, your changes will not be overwritten with each plugin update.

  • Go to the OWM Weather template directory
  • Copy the files content-owmweather-custom1.php and content-owmweather-custom2.php.
  • Go to your theme directory
  • Create a new folder called owm-weather (spelling is important).
  • In this new folder, paste the files content-owmweather-custom1.php and content-owmweather-custom2.php.
  • Now, open content-owmweather-custom1.php or content-owmweather-custom2.php with a php editor like notepad ++, coda2, sublime text…
  • Write your weather layout. You can use the other templates as guidelines. The debug template shows you the options and data elements.
  • Save and send your changes via FTP.
  • Now you built a custom weather template. Select the template “Custom 1” or “Custom 2” in your Weather settings to activate it.