This page shows the weather for one city with all available templates.

Default Template

See the Default Template in the Bootstrap Grid.

Card 1 Template (with background Image)

See the Card 1 Template in the Bootstrap Grid.

Card 2 Template (with background Image)

See the Card 2 Template in the Bootstrap Grid.

Tabbed 1 Template

See the Tabbed 1 Template in the Bootstrap Grid.

Tabbed 2 Template

See the Tabbed 2 Template in the Bootstrap Grid.

Slider 1 Template

See the Slider 1 Template in the Bootstrap Grid.

Slider 2 Template

See the Slider 2 Template in the Bootstrap Grid.

Chart 1 Template

See the Chart 1 Template in the Bootstrap Grid.

Chart 2 Template

See the Chart 2 Template in the Bootstrap Grid.

Table 1 Template

See the Table 1 Template in the Bootstrap Grid.

Table 2 Template

See the Table 2 Template in the Bootstrap Grid.

Table 3 Template

See the Table 3 Template in the Bootstrap Grid.

Debug Template

Custom 1 Template

Custom 2 Template