Privacy Policy

Effective Date: February 2, 2022Last Updated: April 5, 2022

This Privacy Policy explains the types of information UJ Software (“UJ Software“, “we,” “our,” “us”) collects, as well as our policies and practices regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of that information through the web pages, blogs, and other interactive features that display this policy (collectively, our “Product(s)”).

By using the Product(s), you consent to the practices described in this Privacy Policy. If you have any questions about the Policy, please contact us as set out under “Contact Us” below.

1. Information We Collect

Information You Give Us.

When you interact with our Product(s), you may choose to provide information that could reasonably be used to contact you, or to identify you personally, or that otherwise relates to your person (“Personal Information”), such as:

  • Your contact information (e.g., name, e-mail address, postal address, and telephone number);
  • User name, display name, and password;
  • Geolocation information, such as your city, state or zip code;
  • Demographic information, such as age information and gender;
  • Payment information, such as credit card number and expiration date;
  • Communications preferences;
  • Comments, photos, and other user-generated content posted in our interactive online features;
  • Correspondence and other information that you send to us; and
  • Additional information as otherwise described to you at the point of collection or pursuant to your consent.

An anonymized string created from your email address (also called a hash) may be provided to the Gravatar service to see if you are using it. The Gravatar service privacy policy is available here: After approval of your comment, your profile picture is visible to the public in the context of your comment.

Information We Automatically Collect or Receive When You Use Our Product(s).

Whenever you interact with our Product(s), we, as well as any of our service providers, may use a variety of technologies that automatically or passively collect information about how the Product(s)s are accessed and used (“Usage Information”). Usage Information may include, among other things:

  • Your browser type and operating system;
  • Sites you visited before and after visiting the Product(s);
  • Pages, video, and links you click and the duration you view the Product(s);
  • Information collected through cookies, web beacons, and other technologies; and
  • Information about your interactions with e-mail messages, such as the links clicked on and whether the messages were opened or forwarded.

Usage Information is generally non-identifying, but if we associate it with you as a specific and identifiable person, we will treat it as Personal Information. We do not alter our Site’s data collection and use practices when we see a Do Not Track signal from your browser.

Device Identifiers.

In the course of collecting Usage Information, we may also automatically collect your IP address, or other unique identifiers (“Device Identifier”) for the computer, mobile device, Wi-Fi card, technology, or other devices (collectively, “Device”) you use to access the Product(s).

A Device Identifier is a number that is automatically assigned to your Device when you access a website or its servers, and our computers identify your Device by its Device Identifier. When you visit the Product(s), we may view your Device Identifier. We use this information to determine the physical location of your Device, including longitude and latitude information. We may also use this information to enhance the Product(s) and we may associate your Device Identifier with your Personal Information.

Cookies and Similar Technologies.

We may use cookies, pixel tags, Local Shared Objects (sometimes referred to as “Flash Cookies”), and similar technologies to automatically collect this information. Cookies are small bits of information that are stored by your computer’s web browser. Pixel tags are very small images or small pieces of data embedded in images, also known as “web beacons” or “clear GIFs,” that can recognize cookies, the time and date a page is viewed, a description of the page where the pixel tag is placed, and similar information from your computer or device. Local Shared Objects or Flash Cookies are similar to standard cookies except that they can be larger and are downloaded to a computer or mobile device by the Adobe Flash media player.

We may allow third parties to place and read their own cookies, web beacons, Local Shared Objects, and similar technologies to collect information through the Product(s). For example, our third-party service providers may use these technologies to collect information that helps us with traffic measurement, research, and analytics.

By using the Product(s), you consent to our use of cookies and similar technologies. You can decide if and how your computer will accept a cookie by configuring your preferences or options in your browser. However, if you choose to reject cookies, you may not be able to use certain online products, services, or features on the Product(s). Please note that you may need to take additional steps beyond changing your browser settings to refuse or disable Local Shared Objects and similar technologies. If you choose to refuse, disable, or delete these technologies, some of the functionality of the Product(s) may no longer be available to you.

You can also learn more about cookies by visiting, which includes additional, useful information on cookies and how to block cookies using different types of browsers. For more information on advertising using cookies and how to opt-out of advertising cookies specifically, please see Your Choices below.

Information from Other Sources.

We may receive additional information about you from other sources and may combine that information with the other information we collect or receive about you. For example:

  • We may receive information about you from the Virginia Bowhunters Association;
  • You may also choose to participate in a third party application or feature (such as one of our Facebook or Instagram applications or a similar application or feature on a third-party website) through which you allow us to collect and share (or the third party to collect and share) information about you, including Personal Information; and
  • We may receive information from third-party partners and service providers, including partners and service providers that provide us information that is publicly or commercially available.

We may match the information we collect about you through the Product(s) with information collected from such third parties in order to enhance our ability to serve you, and/or to tailor our content to you.

2. How We Use the Information We Collect or Receive

We use the information we collect and receive for the following general purposes:

  • Provide you with the products, promotions, services, newsletters, and information you request and respond to correspondence that we receive from you;
  • Customize and personalize your use of the Product(s);
  • Contact you via email and otherwise about products, services, and events that we think might be of interest to you;
  • Contact you with surveys, legal notices, and other information that may be relevant to your use of the Product(s);
  • Maintain or administer the Product(s), perform business analyses, or for other internal purposes to improve the quality of our business, the Product(s), and other products and services we offer;
  • Publish comments, images, video submissions and other information posted in our interactive online features; and
  • As otherwise described to you at the point of collection or pursuant to your consent.

3. How We Share the Information We Collect and Receive

We are committed to maintaining your trust, and we want you to understand how we may share the information we collect.

  • Affiliates. We may share your information with our affiliated entities for a variety of purposes, including business, operational, and marketing purposes.
  • Service Providers. We may share your information with third-party service providers that perform certain functions or services on our behalf, such as to host the Product(s) manage databases, host a store or other e-commerce Product(s), perform analyses, or send communications for us.
  • Other Parties When Required By Law or as Necessary to Protect the Product(s). We may disclose your information to third parties in order to protect the legal rights, safety, and security of UJ Software, our member organizations, and the users of our Product(s); enforce our Terms of Use; prevent fraud (or for risk management purposes); and comply with or respond to law enforcement or legal process or a request for cooperation by a government or other entity, whether or not legally required.
  • In Connection With a Reorganization or Transfer of Assets. If we sell all or part of our business, or make a sale or transfer of assets, or are otherwise involved in a merger or business transfer, or in the event of bankruptcy, we may transfer your information to one or more third parties as part of that transaction.
  • Other Parties With Your Consent. We may share information about you with third parties when you consent to such sharing, including when you post information to a user profile or a public area of the Product(s), such as a chat room, forum, blog, or other community tools.
  • Aggregate Information. We may disclose to third parties information that does not describe or identify individual users, such as aggregate website usage data or demographic reports.

4. Your Choice to Correct/Delete/Modify Your Information

If you wish to modify, verify, correct, or delete any of your Personal Information collected through the Product(s), you may contact us at the address or email listed under Contact Us below. In accordance with our routine record keeping, we may delete certain records that contain Personal Information you have submitted through the Product(s). We are under no obligation to store such Personal Information indefinitely and disclaim any liability arising out of, or related to, the destruction of such Personal Information. It may not always possible to completely remove or delete all of your information from our databases without some residual data because of backups and other reasons.

5. Data Security

We have adopted security procedures to help protect against loss, misuse, and unauthorized access to the information we collect and receive. Please note that no data transmission or storage can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, while we strive to protect the information we maintain, we cannot guarantee or warrant the security of any information you disclose or transmit to our Product(s) and cannot be responsible for the theft, destruction, or inadvertent disclosure of information.

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account password and for any access to or use of the Product(s) using your password, whether or not authorized by you. Please notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your password or account or any other breach of security.

6. Children’s Privacy

Our Product(s) is directed to a general audience. When a child accesses and interacts with the Products(s), we may collect certain information automatically about those visits (see Information We Automatically Collect or Receive When You Use Our Product(s) above). If you are under 13 years of age, please do not submit any personal information through our Product(s) without the express consent and participation of a parent or guardian.

7. Links to Third-Party Sites and Services

The Product(s) may contain links to other websites or online services that are operated by third parties and that are not under the direct control of UJ Software. Such links do not constitute an endorsement by UJ Software of those other websites, the content displayed therein, or the persons or entities associated therewith. This Privacy Policy does not apply to this third-party content. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of these third-party websites or services and to direct any questions to such third parties.

8. Users Outside the U.S.

UJ Software is based in the United States, and, regardless of where you use our Product(s) or otherwise provide information to us, the information may be transferred to and maintained on servers located in the U.S. Please note that any information we obtain about you will be stored in accordance with U.S. privacy laws, regulations, and standards, which may not be equivalent to the laws in your country of residence. By using our Product(s), you consent to this collection, transfer, storage, and processing of information to and in the U.S.

9. Data Retention

UJ Software is committed to processing data in accordance with its responsibilities under the law. See Your Choice to Correct/Delete/Modify Your Information above in case you want to expedite the data deletion.

10. Privacy Policy Updates

We may modify this Privacy Policy at any time by posting revisions to the Product(s) and revising the effective on this policy date, or by providing other appropriate notice. We encourage you to periodically review this Statement to be informed of how we are protecting your Personal Information.

11. Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at or write to us at

Attn: Privacy Policy
4603 Silas Hutchinson Dr
Suite 100
Chantilly, VA 20151