These are the detailed specifications of our normal plans. Check out our Website À La Carte Menu, should these complete plans not be what you are looking for at this time. We also offer Maintenance Plans for new and existing websites.
- Free Consultation
- Domain Name Transfer
- Webhosting
- disk space
- 250GB bandwidth
- 20 addon domains
- 100 email accounts
- 1 pre-configured email
- SSL Certificate
- WordPress CMS
- 1 Editor Account
- Standard Theme
- Standard Plugins
- Custom Web Design
- 1 Location5 Webpages5 Stock ImagesUpload 10 ImagesStandard Terms and Privacy pagesSite Index
- 7 Custom Post Types (one instance each)
- 1 Image Slider
- 1 Map
- Standard Contact Us Form
- Mobile Optimized
- Social Media and Business Listings
- Links to Social Accounts
- Links to Business Listings
- Google reCAPTCHA
- Basic Search Engine Optimization
- Documentation
- Quick Training
- Free Consultation
- Domain Name Transfer
- Webhosting
- disk space
- 250GB bandwidth
- 20 addon domains
- 100 email accounts
- 1 pre-configured email
- SSL Certificate
- WordPress CMS
- 1 Editor Account
- Standard Theme
- Standard Plugins
- Custom Web Design
- 1 Location10 Webpages10 Stock ImagesUpload 20 ImagesStandard Terms and Privacy pagesSite Index
- Custom Post Types (one instance)
- 1 Image Slider
- 1 Map
- Standard Contact Us Form
- Standard Subscribe Form
- Mobile Optimized
- Social Media and Business Listings
- Create Facebook/Instagram
- Create Google Account
- Create Google My Business
- Create Microsoft Bing Places
- Create Yelp
- Google reCAPTCHA
- Search Engine Optimization
- Documentation
- Training
- Analytics
- Google Analytics
- Google Tag Manager
- Google Search Console
- Microsoft Bing Webmaster Tools
- Microsoft Clarity
- Free Consultation
- Domain Name Transfer
- Webhosting
- disk space
- bandwidth
- addon domains
- email accounts
- 5 pre-configured emails
- SSL Certificate
- WordPress CMS
- 5 Editor Accounts
- Theme selectable
- Standard Plugins plus selectable
- Custom Web Design
- Multiple Locations20 WebpageseCommerce20 Stock ImagesUpload 50 Images/VideosCustom Terms and Privacy pagesSite Index
- Custom Post Types (multiple instances)
- Multiple Image Sliders
- Multiple Maps
- Custom Contact Us Forms
- Custom Subscribe Form
- Mobile Optimized
- Social Media and Business Listings
- Create Facebook/Instagram
- Create Google Account
- Create Google My Business
- Create Microsoft Bing Places
- Create Yelp
- Google reCAPTCHA
- Search Engine Optimization
- Documentation
- Training
- Analytics
- Google Analytics
- Google Tag Manager
- Google Search Console
- Microsoft Bing Webmaster Tools
- Microsoft Clarity
- Backup
- Free Consultation
- Domain Name Transfer
- Webhosting
- disk space
- bandwidth
- addon domains
- email accounts
- pre-configured emails
- SSL Certificate and Seal
- WordPress CMS
- Editor Accounts
- Theme selectable including custom development
- Plugins selectable including custom development
- Custom Web Design
- Locations Webpages including ShopeCommerce Stock ImagesUpload Images/VideosCustom Terms and Privacy pagesSite Index
- Custom Post Types (multiple instances)
- Image Sliders
- Maps
- Custom Contact Us Forms
- Custom Subscribe Form
- Mobile Optimized
- Social Media and Business Listings
- Social Accounts selectable
- Business Listings selectable
- Google reCAPTCHA
- Search Engine Optimization
- Documentation
- Training
- Analytics
- Google Analytics
- Google Tag Manager
- Google Search Console
- Microsoft Bing Webmaster Tools
- Microsoft Clarity
- Backup
- Ads
- Facebook Ads
- Google Ads